Services We Offer
- 4 Handed Massage
A profound massage and an artistic form of synergy and balance. This is a two therapist, four handed, full-body massage incorporating Targeted Deep Tissue work™, relaxation techniques, energy work, and more. It is a unique blend of our various massage modalities. We team up and offer the best of our skills and experience in this personal massage creation.
♥ $160 – 1 hour
- Targeted Deep Tissue™ Massage Therapeutic bodywork balancing skill, experience, and finesse! A focused full-body massage, using deep pressure and targeted work to restore the body’s range of motion and to release chronically painful conditions.
♥ $60 – ½ hour ♥ $100 – 1 hour
♥ $140 – 1½ hour - Sinus De-congestion Treatment Using a gentle Craniosacral sinus sequence, working the head, neck, shoulders and face the therapist helps relieve muscle tension and sinus congestion.
♥ $50 – ½ hour
- Chair Massage
A beneficial way to release tension from the back, neck, shoulders, and low back. A specialized massage chair is used to allow the back of the body to receive work. It is a mini vacation to renew and relax!
♥ $1 per min – 10-30 minutes - High Performance Massage
Designed for the amateur or professional athlete for whom results count. This massage uses Targeted Deep Tissue™ work as well as other massage techniques to help take a body to an even higher state of performance and readiness.
♥ $60 – ½ hour ♥ $100 – 1 hour - Personalized Massage
A medley of techniques and massage modalities designed to benefit the Highest good and health of the client. Hot stones, heat, vibration techniques, and movement are some of the tools that may be used to work out specific areas of tension and stress. A perfect way to balance relaxation with therapeutic work.
♥ $100 – 1 hour ♥ $140 – 1½ hour
- Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Benefit from this Biodynamic, client guided (inherent wisdom) technique that enhances the body’s own healing capabilities through the release of tension or stress held in the nervous system. This session is done with the client fully clothed and resting comfortably on a massage table. Beneficial for stress-related conditions, increasing circulation, and energy flow.
♥ $100 – 1½ hour - Injury Rehabilitation Lymphatic Massage
A lymphatic technique used on acute injuries or chronic pain from past or recent surgeries. A very gentle modality that facilitates healing and reduces swelling. Can be used when other modalities are contraindicated, such as soon after surgical procedures.
♥ $60 – ½ hour ♥ $100 – 1 hour - Energy Flow (Reiki) Session
A gentle, relaxing experience that deeply releases, de-stresses and revitalizes the body to restore balance and energy for renewal and healing. Especially helpful for acute physical conditions, pre and post surgical procedures, and emotional and energetic imbalances. Sessions are done fully clothed.
♥ $85 – 1 hour
Other Offerings
- Yoga by Debbie
Yoga classes in person, on zoom, and individual
♥ Prices very – Please contact Debbie (518) 248-7220 for details and information.
- Health & Wellness Coaching by Debbie
Become a partner in your healthy living! Together, we will co-create lifestyle changes and choices that will bring you opportunities for health and wellness. I look forward to working with you and witnessing your transformation. The possibilities are unlimited!
♥ $50 – 1 hour session
Phone or Zoom consultations available
- Co-active Life Coaching by Ruth
What do you want to be? What do you love to do? How can your life be more fun and fulfilling? A coach is a partner to help you achieve your goals and provide ongoing clarity, focus and support during the process. Let me join your team!
♥ $50 – ½ hour session
1st session is free!
Phone or Zoom consultations available