“Peace begins with me. “

Time for Me…
Time for Peace…

Inspirational musings for practice♡

Thanks to my teachers and students for their courage, dedication, discipline, and inspiration♡♡♡

Peace begins with me.  When I want to see Peace in the world, May I see where there is conflict and distress within me.

The practice♡

♡I continue to practice mindfulness of my thoughts. I monitor them for positive self-talk. I know that I can change my thoughts with the strength of A Power Greater than Self.  How can I make friends with the inner critic?

  • I hold myself with Loving care♡
  • I breathe in Peace
  • I breathe out tension.

I take these mini breaks each day and find that I can resonate Peace and Love♡

Happy Practicing Dear Sangha ♡♡♡

Namaste and Love,


