Hello Dear Sanga, Happiness and joy as we move towards our celebration of Independence Day with much Gratitude for the freedoms we live on a daily basis♡ May we all
Author: dragon
Time for Me… Time for Self-Compassion.. -Thoughts inspired by Ruth Fishel, my Ancestors, Teachers and Students ♡ As I prepare for my upcoming training, I am hearing my thoughts… How
“Peace begins with me. “ Time for Me… Time for Peace… Inspirational musings for practice♡ Thanks to my teachers and students for their courage, dedication, discipline, and inspiration♡♡♡ Peace begins
“WHERE THE ATTENTION GOES THE ENERGY FLOWS.” Time for Me… Time for Neuroplasticity… Inspired thoughts and practice from Ruth Fishel, and from my teachers, and Students♡ ” Neuroplasticity is our
Autumn: Transition, change, & Introspection Reflection The fall season for me is an ideal time to take notice of the occurrences in Nature and follow suite. Shorter days, cooling temperatures,
The Season of Spring: A Time for Rejuvenation, Joy, Grounding & Balance Spring is upon us! The vegetation is showing apparent signs of re-awakening. The red buds are splashing
The Season on Autumn: A time of letting go, change, and a time of returning to self. Outside Walk and listen to the sound of the footsteps Walking on the
The Science of Life The snowflakes twinkle with a soft glow as I tilt my head up towards the sky to feel them as they land gently on my skin.
The fruiting energy of summer! Of the ten thousand trees Along the banks of the river The apricots have just come into flower In the wind of a night Wang