Time for Me… Time for Self-Compassion..

-Thoughts inspired by Ruth Fishel, my Ancestors, Teachers and Students ♡

As I prepare for my upcoming training, I am hearing my thoughts…

How will you make it through such a rigorous training. 3 classes in a row!

What were you thinking????

How will you stay awake and alert with such long seminars???

It goes on and on I noticed. The story-line in the thoughts. It’s the mind doing its job based on past experiences and occurrences. Based on belief systems inherited and acquired.

The courage to change the things I can…

The only thing I can change are the second thoughts and the actions that follow♡

Our readings together have presented so many tools and the premise that the brain can be re-wired through awareness and reprogramming. We know it as the term neuroplasticity.

My part is to pick up these tools- affirmations, tapping into a Source Greater than Self (through meditation) and through willingness and openness I am transformed♡♡♡

Now, a new realization for the this week to practice…

A sprinkling in of compassion. A loving softness with my Higher Self and others that expresses and displays Unconditional Self-love.

This week, I am willing to use mantra, visualization, meditation and compassion when I hear these messages that erode my self-esteem and deplete my Spirit.

With acceptance and non-judgement, I am willing to practice Love, Tolerance and appreciation of Self, All of me, as a Loving Higher Power would♡

Then I can give the gift to another♡♡♡

Are you in???

Let’s do it together.

In yoga practice we know this as Ahimsa. Causing no harm to self and others. 

Namaste Beautiful Sangha (community)

Debbie ♡♡♡







“A sprinkling in of compassion. A loving softness with my Higher Self and others that expresses and displays Unconditional Self-love.”
